Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Economy of Scale

I have a lot to learn about the need for the correct scale in order to make the right impact. Cherry G posted a comment that the tulips in the picture are at least three reasons to be proud. The funny thing is that I see now that although beautiful individually, tulips are most effective in a large mass. The tulips going up our front sidewalk are too few and too few apart for the size of our house. Next year I think I need to double the number of tulips and also perhaps weed and mulch the border of the side walk?? Or maybe add some hyacinth with the tulips??? Any ideas? Yes I know, I need to weed and mulch.

1 comment:

  1. Another idea, and one that does not require too many hours mulching and pulling weeds, would be to plant Mondo (monkey grass), Liriope, or dwarf ornamental grass along side of the walk and as a border for your front flower beds. The Mondo grass is a perennial that tolerates full sun or shade. It fills out nicely over the spring and summer into a full ground cover/border and the tulips would look fully when they grow among the tall grass. In the late summer and fall most Mondo grasses also bloom with blue berries and purple flowers to give you one last burst of color. Just remember to cut the ornamental grass back in the late fall so it can grow back in the spring. Further, the grass is the perfect plant because after a year or two you can divide larger plants and replant the plugs elsewhere.
